Shinkansen to Shin Yokohama

Hari terakhir kami di Tokyo setelah datang tanggal 23 Sept pagi, adalah termasuk free time, dalam arti acara bebas. Bisa bebas antar keluarga, juga tentunya bebas bagi anggota keluarga masing2. Dari 15 peserta 2228SeptBP kali ini ternyata 14 memilih untuk membelanjakan sisa-sisa Yen mereka dengan menaiki Shinkansen. Mengapa Shinkansen? karena kata pameo You never been to Japan unless you’ve taken Shinkansen.

Setelah segala proses googling gagal untuk mendapatkan harga tiket ke kota terdekat, kamipun memutuskan langsung saja ke stasiun Ueno, dengan maksud mau mencoba Shinkansen ke Yokohama, kota besar terdekat dari Tokyo yang sekaligus kota kedua terbesar.

Dengan layanan yang sangat baik, ramah dan informatif, kamipun dilayani oleh petugas cewek di counter. Ternyata harga tiket shinkansen Tokyo-Yokohama tidaklah semahal yang kami bayangkan. Harganya total (860+760) = 1620 Yen, yang terdiri dari basic fare dan shinkansen fare (saya baru tahu di loket-red). Petugas juga meminta semua kartu Pasmo kami yang merupakan kartu akses prepaid untuk JR lines. Ia men scan semua dan nampaknya melink tiket itu dengan tiket shinkansen kami.

Tidak berapa lama, kami satu rombongan 14 orang yang terdiri dari 4 keluarga dan Bu Ay Chen, masuk ke peron SHinkansen. Kedua tiket shinkansen itu harus dimasukkan bersamaan di pintu masuk atau gate shinkansen. Dalam hati saya bertanya-tanya juga, mengapa harus 2 tiket, dimasukkan bersamaan pula. Pertanyaan relevan di era informasi. Tapi memang biasanya Jepang tidak bisa lugas dalam menerbitkan regulasi, ada time lag. Begitu juga di beberapa negara maju lainnya. Jika dibandingkan Korea, secara sistem memang Korea lebih modern.

Dan tak berapa lama, kamipun sudah melaju menikmati shinkansen dan dalam waktu tidak sampai 20 menit sudah sampai di tujuan, stasiun SHin Yokohama. Jadi bagi anda yang ingin mengajak anggota keluarga hanya untuk merasakan naik Shinkansen,jalur Ueno-Shin Yokohama ini adalah salah satu alternatif terbaik.

Setelah turun kamipun segera meluncur ke Museum Ramen tertua di Jepang, juga di dunia yang ada di SHin Yokohama ini.

Selamat mencoba, wassalam.

For video please click HERE

This is Malays. Wotabotas?

Malaysian PM, Mahathir Mohammad, on the Malay culture:
“This is our culture. We do not know what hardship is, we only want things to be easy. I have tried to be an example, tried to teach, scolded, cried and even prayed. But I have failed. I have failed to achieve the most important thing – how to change the Malays. The Chinese in Malaysia have no special rights, they experience discrimination. But they are more successful than us.”
“We accuse others. We accuse the government, accuse other races. When we fail, they are at fault. We are never wrong.”
“Where are our faults? There are many. The first is we do not work as hard as others. Not only that, we also do not pay attention to our responsibilities. We don’t pay attention before deciding to do something. We lack mastery of the knowledge and information needed to make good decisions. I dare to say that we are lazy. We like to hand over our jobs to other people.”
“When we owe someone, it’s hard to pay back. Take the PTPTN (National Higher Education Fund Corporation). It’s not much that we need to pay back, just a little. We can afford it. Even if we only make RM2,000 a month, what’s RM100 a month? Only five per cent. But even those who earn more than that don’t pay. Stingy.”
“Whatever excuses we give, the fact is we don’t pay our debts. To us, it’s a small matter.But to other races, it erodes their trust in us. PTPTN debtors owe RM36 billion, almost the same as the stolen 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Bhd) funds”
“I am ashamed when I see the Chinese students studying three different languages, but still have a better grasp of the English language compared with their Malay peers. The Malays study two languages, Bahasa Malaysia and English, but they keep saying ‘all right, that is enough, no need to learn English any more’.”
“In the past, when a Malay was sentenced to jail, the offender would hang his head in shame as it was not something to be proud of … But today, when a Malay is sentenced to jail, the offender will walk with his head proudly in the air, smiling as if he has achieved something.”
“Now I have a bakery. I want to say honestly, I am ashamed because among the Malay, Chinese or Burmese or any other workers, the Malay ones sometimes when they see money, they forget themselves, they become dishonest.”
“I am operating a bakery and have given many opportunities to Malays to hold management positions. Unfortunately, time and time again, honesty and integrity appear to be lacking as there have been staff who keep stealing money. They do not seem to understand that it is wrong to take what is not theirs. They do not think of the big picture or the long term.”
“We have to be trustworthy so people will give contracts to us.When we want to give contracts, we give to the Chinese instead because we know they will do their work properly. This is our weakness – not being trustworthy.”
“I believe the Malays have the same capabilities as the Europeans and the Japanese. But, the Malay culture remains a problem.” The source:

👆 pikiran jujur terbuka dan utk bisa maju….


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My Presentation on DDF 2018

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