Whose Side are You On?

Pencerahan yang luar biasa,.
Demi kebenaran dan meluruskan Aqidah.

Kemana Kita Berpihak….?
bertanya kepada jama’ahnya,

“Andai kita hidup pd zaman Fira’un,
kira-kira kita jadi pengikut siapa,
Fir’aun atau Nabi Musa?”

Jama’ah: “Musaaaaa.”
(Jawab jama’ah kompak).

UAS “Yakiiin?”
Jama’ah “Yakiiiiiin…..”

Tapi yang membangun kota Mesir, Fir’aun.
Yang bangun infrastruktur juga dia.
Yang bangun piramida, Fir’aun.
Yang paling kaya, Fir’aun.
Yang punya bala tentara banyak
dan kuat, Fir’aun.
Yang punya banyak pengikut, Fir’aun.
Yang bisa memberi perlindungan
dan jaminan,
Yang Berkuasa, Fir’aun.
Yang bisa menyediakan
makanan dan minuman,
Yang bisa adakan hiburan, Fir’aun.
Yang bisa buat pusat perbelanjaan, Fir’aun.
Bahkan jika teknologi nya sudah ada,
mungkin Kartu Mesir Sehat
dan Kartu Mesir Pintar juga dibuatnya.”

Sementara Nabi Musa……
siapa dia?
Hanya seorang penggembala kambing.
Bicara saja tidak fasih alias cadel
(akibat pernah memakan bara api diwaktu bayi).
Hanya memiliki sebatang tongkat butut.

Masih yakin mau ikut Nabi Musa……..?
Tanya UAS sekali lagi.

Jamaah terdiam… Saling toleh satu sama lain.

“Kerjaan Nabi Musa hanya
sebagai penjaga kambing,
tiba-tiba mau mengajak kita menyeberangi lautan,
tanpa memakai sampan, tanpa perahu, tanpa kapal.
Apakah yakin kita mau ikut Nabi Musa?”

Tak satupun jama’ah berani menjawab.
Semua tertunduk, diam seribu bahasa.

Betapa sesungguhnya manusia
zaman Firaun dan zaman sekarang,
tidak ada bedanya.
Di Zaman sekarang ini, mayoritas tergila gila pada harta, wanita, pangkat, jabatan, pujian, rayuan. Cinta materi. Al Wahn
(cinta keduniawian)

Sungguh, Fir’aun itu akan tetap ada
hingga akhir zaman.
Hanya saja berubah wajah dan bentuknya.
Juga namanya.
Namun secara hakikat dia akan terus ada.
Sebab sejarah akan berulang,
dan kita harus tetap yakin seyakinnya biidznillah
Fir’aun dikalahkan oleh Musa,

Siapapun yang akan jadi pemimpin
itu sudah menjadi takdir. Sudah tertulis
di Lauhul Mahfudz, tetapi ALLAH SWT akan mencatat dimana KITA BERPIHAK

Belajarlah dari CICAK dan Burung Pipit.

Dahulu saat Nabi Ibrahim Alaihi Salam dibakar oleh Raja Namrud,
datanglah burung pipit yang
bolak balik mengambil air
dan meneteskan air itu di atas api
yang membakar Nabi Ibrahim.

Cicak yang melihatnya tertawa. “Hai pipit, bodoh amat yang kau lakukan itu.
Paruhmu yang kecil hanya bisa menghasilkan
beberapa tetes air saja,
mana mungkin bisa memadamkan api itu..?

Burung pipit pun menjawab:
“Wahai cicak, memang tak mungkinlah
aku bisa memadamkan api yang besar itu,
tapi aku tak mau jika ALLAH SWT
melihat Aku diam saja
saat sesuatu yang ALLAH cintai dizholimi
Allah tak akan melihat
apakah aku berhasil memadamkan
api itu atau tidak.
Tetapi Allah akan melihat
di mana aku berpihak.

Cicak terus tertawa, dan sambil
menjulurkan lidahnya ia berusaha
meniup api yang membakar
Nabi Ibrahim Alaihi Salam
agar cepat membesar.

Memang tiupan cicak tak
ada artinya tak menambah
besar api yang membakar
Nabi Ibrahim,
tetapi Allah melihat dimana Cicak berpihak.

Hikayat ini terjadi sekarang.
dan akan terus berulang.
Saat Al-Qur’an dinistakan,
suara Azan dipermasalahkan,
bendera tauhid dibakar dan
pembela Agama dikriminalisasi.

Aku bertanya padamu sahabat:
Dimanakah kau berpihak……?????
Memang, pilihanmu tak akan mengubah sedikitpun takdir Allah.
Tapi Allah akan mencatat dimana kau berpihak.
Berada di barisan mana dirimu,
Siapa dan apa yang kamu dukung.

Ingat-ingat… pilihanmu akan dimintai pertanggung jawaban kelak di akhirat.

Untuk kita Renungkan
Semoga Kita semua selalu dalam Lindungan ALLAH SWT Aamiin…yaa Mujibassailiin…🤲

Sumber: dari sebuah WAG

Seru Juga nih Kasus Ed Sheeran…

Ed Sheeran Goes on Trial for Alleged Copying of Marvin Gaye Song

British pop artist takes witness stand to fight allegations he stole from ‘Let’s Get It On’ for his ballad ‘Thinking Out Loud’

By James FanelliFollow

April 25, 2023 at 5:55 pm ET

Ed Sheeran, arriving to a federal court in New York City, later sparred from the witness stand with the plaintiffs’ lawyers in his trial over alleged copyright-infringement. PHOTO: STEPHANIE KEITH/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Did British pop star Ed Sheeran rip off Marvin Gaye’s classic song “Let’s Get It On” when he wrote a Grammy-winning love ballad?

A federal jury in New York began considering that question Tuesday in a copyright-infringement trial that could have implications for how songwriters arrange chords to make music. 

The plaintiffs, heirs of Ed Townsend, the R&B composer and producer who co-wrote Mr. Gaye’s song, sued Mr. Sheeran in 2017, accusing him of stealing the heart of the sultry hit—its chord progression and harmonic rhythm—to create his own chart-topper, “Thinking Out Loud.” 

 Mr. Gaye died in 1984. “Let’s Get It On,” released 50 years ago, has become a time-honored sexual anthem, ingrained in pop culture and recognized as one of the greatest American songs of all time, Ben Crump, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, told jurors during opening statements.

He said Mr. Sheeran piggybacked off the song to build a career in which he has reached a stratospheric level of fame and headlined sold-out stadium tours. Mr. Crump told jurors that Mr. Sheeran knew the two songs sounded the same and promised to show them a “smoking gun,” a concert video of the pop star performing a medley of “Thinking Out Loud” seamlessly transitioning into “Let’s Get It On.” 

“The concert video is a confession,” he said. 

Kathryn Townsend Griffin, a daughter of Ed Townsend, co-writer of ‘Lets Get It On,” said she was determined to protect her father’s legacy. PHOTO: STEPHANIE KEITH/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Mr. Sheeran has denied the allegations. He took the witness stand late in the afternoon and at times sparred with the plaintiffs’ lawyers, offering sometimes cheeky responses to some questions. Most pop songs, he said, rely on basic chords and other musical building blocks that have been around for hundreds of years. He added that he wouldn’t have done a concert mash up of “Let’s Get It On” with one of his songs if he had ripped it off.

“If I had done what you’re accusing me of doing, I would have to be quite an idiot to stand on a stage in front of 20,000 people,” he said.

Mr. Sheeran testified that he and songwriter Amy Wadge wrote “Thinking Out Loud” together in 2014 after an emotional conversation over the recent death of his grandfather and her ailing mother-in-law. “That was the inspiration for the song,” he said. 

Atlantic Records, the distributor of “Thinking Out Loud,” and Sony/ATV Music Publishing, the song’s music publisher, are also defendants and have denied the allegations.

The case is the latest in a series of copyright battles involving some of the biggest rock and pop songs.

In 2015, a federal jury in Los Angeles found that singers Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams copied part of Mr. Gaye’s “Got to Give It Up.” in their 2013 hit song “Blurred Lines.” An appellate court upheld the finding and ordered the two artists to pay $5.3 million to Mr. Gaye’s family. The case extended the scope of copyright protections beyond melody and lyrics to include elements contributing to the sound and feel of the music.

The trial involving Mr. Sheeran is expected to last up to two weeks and include musicologists who will dissect the compositions of the two songs. If jurors find the defendants liable, then they would hear evidence to determine damages. 


How similar do you think the melodies are on “Let’s Get It On” and “Thinking Out Loud”? ” Join the conversation below.

Kathryn Townsend Griffin, a daughter of the “Let’s Get It On” co-writer, testified Tuesday that her father worked with some of the greatest artists in R&B. When “Thinking Out Loud” came out, she said her phone started ringing off the hook with friends alerting her to the two songs’ similarities. She told jurors that she tried to contact representatives of Sony/ATV Music Publishing, which is also the publisher of “Let’s Get It On,” to discuss the matter but never heard back. 

“I really want you to know, Mr. Sheeran, that it didn’t have to come to this but I have to protect my father’s legacy,” she said, looking at the pop star from the witness stand.

Write to James Fanelli at james.fanelli@wsj.com

Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

Appeared in the April 26, 2023, print edition as ‘Copyright Trial on Classic Song Begins’

SUmber: https://www.wsj.com/articles/ed-sheeran-trial-marvin-gaye-5e312780?mod=hp_lead_pos12

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